Our Value to your business

Lower Costs

By analyzing all customer interactions, our AI platform identifies process inefficiencies, from bottlenecks to confusion driving repeated customer contacts and areas of opportunity to automate. Fixing these issues allows rapidly reducing expenses related to contact handle time, repair times, manual work and increased capacity gained in operations.

Increase Revenue

Our AI analytics platform pinpoints upsell and cross-sell opportunities by understanding customer needs hidden within conversations. Our proprietary customer ‘Propensity to buy’ scores and prioritization ranking lets you focus on the right target audience for unlocking this revenue which allows growing profits and reduce churn from your existing client base.

Improve Customer Experience

Understanding exactly what customers want, need and struggle which is key for providing excellent service. Our platform analyzes customer conversations to pinpoint pain points, confusion, dissatisfaction & positive sentiments.
These insights allow organizations to systematically identify root causes of poor experiences and rectify issues proactively.
The result is happier, more loyal customers.

AI-generated Customer Insights

Customer interactions drive the success of modern businesses. Calls, chats, emails, and more provide a wealth of data that can unlock transformational value if analyzed properly. However, making sense of endless customer conversations at scale has historically been impossible. Humans cannot keep up with the volume and lack the consistent analytical abilities of machines. That's why leveraging AI is key.

Our AI/ML as a Service platform is purpose-built to help enterprises derive powerful insights from customer interaction data. We utilize advanced natural language processing and sentiment analysis to systematically analyze every call, chat, and email communication at scale. The insights we generate focus on increasing revenue, reducing costs, and improving the customer experience throughout your organization. Read on to learn more and get started with actionable operational intelligence today.

Derive Powerful Insights

Our AI as a Service platform can digest all of your customer conversations across every channel, and serve up strategic customer and operational insights tailored to your organization. Key insights we deliver include:

  • Upsell Opportunities: Spot where agents can offer add-ons, upgrades and promotions

  • Churn Forecasting: Identify at-risk customers based on verbal cues and behaviors

  • Process Improvements: Pinpoint inefficiencies and roadblocks hindering operations

  • Customer Pain Points: Discover common complaints to address systematically

  • Reduce Time To Repair: Optimize processes to improve response time and satisfaction

  • Staff Coaching Areas: Identify knowledge or skill gaps among teams to target training

The breadth of possible insights are nearly endless. Our NLP models are carefully trained to understand language in your specific industry and lines of business. The platform also generates action-step recommendations to operationalize insights for maximum business impact.

Sign up with us to explore your Customer Insights